Welcome to SHE WHO DARES....

Hi, I’m Krystal.

I am the founder of She Who Dares; I am a women’s Mindset and Empowerment Coach, Business Mentor, Speaker and Podcaster and all-round facilitator of deep transformational healing and change for women all over the world.

Through my work I combine a variety of holistic healing modalities and subconscious reprogramming tools, which include Neuro-Linguistic Programming, TimeLine Therapy, Hypnotherapy, Breakthrough Coaching and Reiki to create deep transformational change for my clients. 

I do this through a collection of offerings such as 1:1 coaching, private mentoring, masterminds, online group programs, membership and in-person events and experiences.

I am here to support you in healing your relationship with yourself, to break-up with your inner mean girl, dismantle your negative self-beliefs, to turn your pain into your power, so that you remember who the f*ck you are and step back into your life as your most authentic, aligned, and empowered self.

More about my work